Project SEEK
Project SEEK has also launched their own website,
Project SEEK (Seeking Excellence in Education for our Kids) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 1993 for the sole purpose of raising funds to support enrichment programs at McGaugh Elementary School. At that time, state budget cutbacks threatened to end vital enrichment programs at McGaugh. A group of parents formed Project SEEK in response. State funding has never been restored to pre-crisis levels, so Project SEEK has become a critical part of providing the extra programs we all want for our children. Project SEEK is guided by an all-volunteer group of parents, faculty and staff and enjoys a broad base of support from the local community.
What do we do?
Project SEEK provides funding for school enrichment programs that would otherwise not be available to McGaugh students. Current programs include:
- Credentialed Art Teacher
- Credentialed Media Center/ Innovation Lab Teacher
- Computer Lab Aide
Last year, Project SEEK was proud to donate over $150,000 for the 2018/2019 school year to ensure our Art, Media Center/Innovation Lab, and Computer Lab programs continue.
How do we do it?
Project SEEK raises funds from the local community and welcomes donations of any kind. Some of the fundraising events are:
- Annual Donation Drive
- The Event (Dinner/Auction held in the Spring)
- Student Art Show
- Gift Wrap and Dessert Sales Fundraisers
- Dining for McGaugh
- Box Tops Collection
- After School Assemblies
- Open House Food Truck and Bake Sale
- Skate Nights
- School Supplies/Earthquake Kit Sales
- Retail Rewards Programs
Do Project SEEK and PTA work together?
Alike, but different: PTA and Project SEEK
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and Project SEEK (Seeking Excellence in Education for our Kids) are two separate organizations united in the same goal – working towards making McGaugh a strong, vital school for our children. McGaugh School benefits from these two partnerships in so many ways, making an even stronger alliance between school and parents. The chart below gives an overview of the two groups:
Project SEEK |
Nationally based organization established more than 100 years ago to promote the rights of children. |
Inaugurated by McGaugh parents in 1993 in response to District budget cuts threatening to adversely impact programs at McGaugh. |
Not a fundraising organization. Main goals are to promote programs for children and to promote a forum for advocacy on behalf of children. |
Parent-School Partnership designed with the sole purpose of raising funds to keep programs from being cut at McGaugh |
Gathers funds for programs through memberships, yearly Carnival and Book Fair. |
Raises funds through outright donations, product sales, The Event, and other activities. |
Non-Profit organization, run according to bylaws and guided by the national and state organization. |
Non-Profit organization run according to bylaws and is guided by a Board of Directors. |
Supports programs (bylaws prohibit the funding of personnel). |
Funds personnel and supporting programs which would not exist due to budget cuts. |
Sponsors programs such as: Student Assemblies, RIF book give away, and technology hardware for staff and students. |
Completely funds several positions at McGaugh, including: Art Lab teacher, Media Center/Innovation Lab teacher, Computer Lab Aide. |